Mindfulness and awareness for individuals
Do you find it a challenge to deal with everything that comes at you and is asked of you?
Do you ever feel that you are not living life to the fullest? You go on, hoping that soon there will be time to do what you really want.
Do you know what you want? What makes you happy? What's holding you back?
Interesting questions and challenges that a lot of us are walking around with these days. Holding your own in today's turbulent world and society is a huge challenge. Staying true to yourself is an even bigger one. We are overwhelmed with information and stimuli, doing our best to live up to what we believe is expected of us.
In all the hustle and bustle and being so focused on the outside world, we lose ourselves.
Do you feel that too?
As a trainer and coach in Mindfulness and awareness, I offer training and events that help you to come back to yourself, better deal with the challenges of the modern world, get back in balance, relax, and really connect with others.
I want to help you on your path to awareness and living your full potential.

Mindfulness training
8 clinics

Complete training of 8 clinics in which you go into depth, learn about mindfulness and emotional intelligence and develop this within yourself.
Currently only planned in Dutch. Find more info here.
Contact me if you are interested in this training in English.
Start with meditation series

Do you want to start meditating? This short series of audio files will help you to gradually build up your meditation practice. On your own time. Accessible and free.
Coming soon!

Do you already have some experience with meditation and do you like to practice with guidance?
I regularly record meditations which you can listen back to. Signing up is enough to get free access.
Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.
- Eckhart Tolle -
About me
I started with Mindfulness and meditation myself when I was in my early thirties and got stuck. Do you know the thirty-something dilemma? It was just that. I was left with questions like: is this it? What do I want in life? What does life want from me? What's the point..? I was always busy with others; what they think about me, their expectations, and what they need. I rarely stopped to think about myself and what I needed. I was stuck in my head and out of touch with myself and my feelings.
I came out of it by practicing mindfulness and expanding this with other forms of meditation such as Vipassana and Zen. I started to feel more, discovered what I truly want and find important, and even found my passion: supporting and guiding others on their path to growth and awareness. After my training at Bridgeman, I first started training colleagues. I worked at the high-tech startup Lightyear. There I saw a lot of smart young people who ran into the same things as I did before. In addition to my 'regular' work, I delivered Mindfulness training to groups. Which I found was very valuable and fun to do.
I have now started my own business as a freelance consultant. This allows me to also spend more time on mindfulness and awareness. And that makes me very happy.

Certification received from: